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Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet

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Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet

Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet

Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet is a fairly recent addition to the Village of Juara. As with most of the other Juara establishments, Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet is a low-key place, in line with the Hang-loose spirit that seems to pervade the entire village on Tioman's East Coast.

If you prefer pristine surroundings and tranquillity over a buzzing strip with a constant coming and going of tourist, then go to Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet.

Book your Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet room here
Book your Santai Bistro Restaurant
and Chalet room here

Given its rather modest room rates, Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet can be considered budget lodgings. The actual villas are designed in typical Malay style with a contemporary boutique-ish slant. The villas are double-storey units, built from hard-wood and are located just opposite the beach.

Our room was quite spacious and, as such, is just ideal for families or groups of friends. I came here with my family, spending 3 blissful days in Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet, which we now call our little home away from home.

Bienvenido a Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet
Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet

Now, in spite of Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet's budget rates, there are still plenty of amenities on offer, including full air-conditioning and cable tv, although a small surcharge applies for the tv. As for the bathroom, it is attached, clean and comes with a hot water shower, which I feel is a bit of a necessity when you're staying at a tropical island resort that sits practically on the beach.

The Restaurant in Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet is a popular dining venue in Juara and it's easy to see why. The local cuisine served here is quite a treat. And the fact that you're having your meals on a breezy verandah deck, with the Juara waves in the background, only enhances the laid-back mood. In fact, all of us felt the verandah really added to the awesome beach holiday experience.

Reserve sus billetes de ferry a Tioman

  De Mersing - Feb 2025:
Mersing 2025
Horario del próximo mes

De Mersing, Mar - Apr
De Tanjung Gemok: N.A.,
[Tanjung Gemok = Teluk Gading]

Ir a Mukut o Juara? Haga clic aquí.

Pro Tip: ¿No sabe qué embarcadero elegir al reservar su ferry? Normalmente, el ferry para en todos los embarcaderos principales.
Sin embargo, existe alguna excepción, por lo que una vez a bordo, confirma la ruta del ferry con la tripulación de cabina.

¿Tomando el ferry Tanjung Gemok? Haga clic aquí / aquí.

If you're keen to venture out of Juara a little, or you want to explore other parts of Tioman, then just ask Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet about the various packages that they have on offer. They can organize jungle trekking, full round-the-island packages and other all-in packages that are very competitively priced.

By the way, Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet provides transfer service between Juara and Tekek. You can ask them to collect you at the Tekek Jetty after you've arrived here by ferry from the Malaysia mainland. Incidentally, the Jeep ride through the jungle is quite exhilarating, because the broody throbbing jungle on both side of the road is almost close enough to touch. Our kids loved it, because it reminded them of the buggy ride in Jurassic Park :-)

Tip: As with most of the family-run chalets in Tioman, Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet is not a big resort. Usually, demand for available rooms tends to exceed supply, particularly during weekends and holidays, especially the summer months: June, July and August. In light of this, I suggest booking your room quite early on. FYI, Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet is on Agoda. You can book first and then pay nearer your actual travel date. Oh, and if you're interested in great F&B, then I heartily recommend Santai Bistro Restaurant and Chalet's chicken ginger with onions. It's delicious. As are the various fruit juices and fruit salads.

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