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Nazri's Place 2

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Nazri's Place 2

Nazri's Place 2

Nazri's Place 2 is actually just a short walk away from its slightly lower budget and more buzzing sibling, Nazri's Place 1. We prefer Nazri's Place 2, because we enjoy the more tranquil mood there. In fact, we've now stayed in Nazri's Place 2 twice.

To be frank, we did cheat a little, because we do our Tioman equivalent of California Dreaming at Nazri's Place 2, but wander over to Nazri's Place 1 for our beach and snorkel activities. Best of both worlds :)

Another gorgeous sunset at Nazri's Place 2
Gorgeous golden sunset at Nazri's Place 2

The other reason why we're Nazri's Place 2 regulars is the way it's perfect for our family set up. The Nazri's Place 2 rooms are large, tidy, clean and offer aircon, hot-water shower bathroom, a kettle and a mini fridge too. Bonus feature: the sea-facing little patio. This patio was good for hours of awesome sunset-gazing after the littl'uns had fallen asleep.

But there's one more reason why Nazri's Place 2 is ideal for families. It's the fact that Nazri's Place 2 also offers a restaurant. Kids getting peckish? No worries, there's plenty of meal choices nearby. All dishes we tried received our thumbs up.
Bienvenido a lovely Nazri's Place 2
Bienvenido a lovely Nazri's Place 2

Incidentally, there's also a wee beach-front bar at Nazri's Place 2 for those so inclined.

If you're not a family, but you're into scuba diving and you prefer spending a bit more than you would for one of the backpacker places on ABC, then Nazri's Place 2 would be a great choice for you also, especially since there are 4 scuba outfits nearby and more in nearby Tekek. Take your pick.

Reserve sus billetes de ferry a Tioman

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De Tanjung Gemok: N.A.,
[Tanjung Gemok = Teluk Gading]

Ir a Mukut o Juara? Haga clic aquí.

Pro Tip: ¿No sabe qué embarcadero elegir al reservar su ferry? Normalmente, el ferry para en todos los embarcaderos principales.
Sin embargo, existe alguna excepción, por lo que una vez a bordo, confirma la ruta del ferry con la tripulación de cabina.

¿Tomando el ferry Tanjung Gemok? Haga clic aquí / aquí.

A couple of pointers that could well come in handy when you're staying at Nazri's Place 2. If you appreciate your whole group to be close by, then request for the rooms with the adjoining door.

Also good to know: whilst Nazri's Place 2 tops Nazri's Place 1 in the idyllic sanctuary stakes, Nazri's Place 1 has the edge when it comes to beach beauty, because Nazri's Place 2's beach is a bit on the rocky side during low tide.

The same applies to snorkeling, i.e. Nazri's Place 1 pips Nazri's Place 2. Then again, they're just a stone's throw apart.

Want to venture out from Nazri's Place 2 a bit? There's plenty of options. We went on a day-trip to Coral Island for a spot of snorkeling and this pretty much turned out to be the highlight of our Tioman holiday. I haven't seen water this clear before in all my previous travels. I estimated visibility to be 30 meters. It was as if we were floating in a seaquarium.

The kids, especially, couldn't have been more delighted.

You can also do the waterfall trip, which includes a very nippy dip in natural run-off water. Or even go for a full-on round-the-island boating excursion. Plenty of fun stuff to do then at Nazri's Place 2.

All and all, Nazri's Place 2 is a good all-round bed and breakfast with a slight lean towards families with young kids. We find Nazri's Place 2 is great value for money too. In the end, Nazri's Place 2 gets an emphatic nod from us.

Tip: Tip:Finally, Nazri's Place 2 is owned by Mr. Nazri, who, in the early 1980's, pretty much paved the way for all subsequent family-run chalets in Tioman. Given this claim to fame and the long Nazri history in Tioman, both Nazri's Place 1 and 2 are now very well-known and quite in demand. So book your room early, either by trying Agoda or else by emailing Nazri's Place 2.

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