Tioman Spa and Wellness
If you can't wait to pamper your mind and body when you get to your little paradise, then you will positively love Tioman if you picked our glistening little jewel as your retreat island. Not only is Tioman's exquisite tranquillity ideal for dialing back the tension but its unique environment too, will have you in utter blissful repose from day one.
Nobody knows what it is about Tioman that's so conducive for easing its visitors into a state of heavenly relaxation, but it may have something to do with the way the air over Tioman is partly derived from the ocean surrounding it and partly by the lush and rolling jungle-covered hills that until today make up most of the island. The soothing virtues of nature's harmony?
Whatever the actual reason, one thing stands out: If you've come to Tioman to leave behind the hustle and bustle of city-life, then you've come to the right place, given that there are half a dozen top-notch spa and wellness centres on offer on the island.
That being said, if you're not familiar with Tioman, not quite sure of the quality of the spa retreats on the island, and you'd like to get some pointers before you book one, some pros and cons perhaps of the spa centres, you can ask the folks at Tiomanspa.com.
Alternatively, just let us know your questions. We're happy to give some suggestions too.