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My Friend Place

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My Friend Place

My Friend Place

We did a bit of research before deciding on My Friend's Place, because we were going to stay in Tioman for 2 weeks and once we're settled in, we prefer not to move elsewhere. Well, all I can say at this point is that I'm glad we did our research and I'm glad we'd decided on My Friend's Place.

My Friend's Place is a modest collection of cabanas that are no more than a few minutes' stroll from the beach, in the village of ABC, towards the south of the jetty. In fact, there's one cabana that is almost adjacent to the beach, so close as to have the sound of the waves within earshot and close enough to have a sea breeze.

Book your My Friend's Place room now
Book your My Friend's Place room now

However, we'd booked ourselves a cabana with air-con and it turned out that this was the only one that had air-con. All other cabanas have a fan only to keep the room cool.

As it happens, our little cabana was not only nice and cool, but it was also located within a nice patch of what can best be described as an au naturel garden. We really enjoyed our little patch of green from our cabana patio.

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Pro Tip: Non sai quale molo scegliere al momento della prenotazione del tuo traghetto? In genere, il traghetto ferma in tutti i moli principali.
Tuttavia, occasionalmente c'è eccezione, quindi una volta a bordo, conferma la rotta del traghetto con l'equipaggio di cabina.

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Our room was clean and I think it was a fairly new addition to the My Friend's Place cluster of cabanas, because both the room and the attached bathroom had a new feel to them. Part of the kit in the room was a mosquito net to sleep under and this made for very cosy nights.

And there's plenty of other aspects of My Friend's Place that we liked. For starters, there's the ever-friendly My Friend's Place staff, who were always ready to assist with any and all of the requests that we had. We also liked the My Friend's Place's little shop that stocks all the bits and pieces you may need whilst on a trip in the tropics.

The other great thing about My Friend's Place is its location. It's got a scuba dive outfit, a nice breakfast restaurant and 2 decent bars all within a stone's throw away. Awesome.

And since you're just a short stroll away from the prettier stretch of the ABC beach, I recommend you rent yourself a snorkelling mask and flippers and go explore the coral in the gin-clear waters. It's ever so fun.

Oh, for those interested in raving it up at My Friend's Place, there is no real partying to be had in this neck of the woods. My Friend's Place, along with most if its neighboring inns, is more a chill place to go to enjoy outstanding BBQ (daily catch) and a laid-back chat under the stars, whilst knocking back a cold one. If you're the party type, then best head up to Salang. Salang is Party Central.

Incidentally, there's wi-fi to be had at My Friend's Place, but it's not exactly broadband. Think Email and Facebook, but forget about watching Youtube movies, because it'll just be a buffer-fest. Nevertheless, it will do for a quick update of the home front.

Final note: My Friend's Place is a charming little place that will make you feel right at home from Day 1. It's excellent value for money, although if you really want to go no-frills, then go for one of the fan-only cabanas.

All told, My Friend's Place has stolen our heart and we will definitely make our way back there in the not-too-distant future.

Tip: My Friend's Place has just over a handful of cabanas. If you want one, then I suggest you book in advance. If My Friend's Place isn't on Agoda yet when you're reading this review, then you can try calling them on 09 419 1150. The Lonely Planet guide ranks My Friend's Place as a "recommended accommodation in Pulau Tioman", a pretty heavy-duty stamp of approval.

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