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Recensione: Selamat datang ke, benvenuto a Bamboo Hill Chalets, situato sulla beatamente bella Pulau Tioman, conosciuta anche come l'isola di Tioman
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Bamboo Hill Chalets

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Bamboo Hill Chalets

Bamboo Hill Chalets

We've stayed at quite a few beach-front chalets in both Malaysia and Indonesia, but if ever there was a place made for chilling near the beach, it's Bamboo Hill. Let me say that right off the bat. Bamboo Hill has stolen our heart, we're smitten. And we're bound to be back.

Granted, Bamboo Hill's chalets are not new, but who cares; they perfectly capture the soul of Tioman's beach life. Our room came with a fan, coffee and tea, and freshly-filtered drinking water is also provided.

There's no air-con at Bamboo Hill, but truth be told, given the perpetual sea breeze and the fact that you're almost ensconced by the dense Tioman jungle adjacent, you never really feel the heat of the island's less blessed areas. Perfect.

Check the Bamboo Hill room rates and relish life as a castaway in paradise.

The people who run Bamboo Hill are a breed apart, with dedication to their charming resort and, ever-helpful demeanor. They're always keen to offer their expert tips and suggestions and have the art of hospitality down pat. These Bamboo Hill chaps and chapettes are genuine, that much is clear.

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Pro Tip: Non sai quale molo scegliere al momento della prenotazione del tuo traghetto? In genere, il traghetto ferma in tutti i moli principali.
Tuttavia, occasionalmente c'è eccezione, quindi una volta a bordo, conferma la rotta del traghetto con l'equipaggio di cabina.

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Is it just lounging, cocooning, tranquil vistas and self-reflection here in Bamboo Hill? Far from it. We rented bikes and had a blast venturing further afield. We discovered a few great "makan" places in ABC Village. And plenty of great local meals were had there.

Other must-do activities are snorkeling and its big brother, scubadiving. Apparently, Tioman offers one of the cheapest PADI course rates in the whole world. So if you have scuba aspirations, now is the time to fulfil these, just off Bamboo Hill.

Benvenuto a Tioman's Bamboo Hill. Click here to book your idyllic room
Benvenuto a Tioman's Bamboo Hill.
Click here to book your idyllic room

There's also a bit of a night-life scene in ABC Village proper, with raggae-themed pubs, a happening mix of locals and travelers and, frankly, a very enjoyable ambiance. We spent many a happy hour in what we referred to as "Little Jamaica".

The best part is that once you've had enough of the Bob Marley and Peter Tosh tunes, you can withdraw back into your private little Shangri-La by the beach, Bamboo Hill. Life doesn't get much better than this, folks.

Bamboo Hill's golden beach, an absolute snorkeling paradise
Bamboo Hill's golden beach,
an absolute snorkeling paradise

Okay, a couple of practical points to put Bamboo Hill in perspective: Wi-fi can be had in the lounge, but it isn't exactly broadband if you know what I mean. Not than this can be helped, because Tioman's internet is fully satellite-based, so speeds are, at best, moderate, regardless of where you are on the island. Still, download and upload speeds at Bamboo Hill are enough to colour your relatives and friends suitably green with envy, lol.

If you're into privacy and eye-popping views, then take Room 5 or 6. Both are located the highest of all Bamboo Hill's chalets. But if you prefer to be well within ear-shot of the waves lapping up at the beach, then go for Chalet 1.

Tip: There's a little library of sorts in Reception that has quite a cache of books. Have a browse - you're bound to find a good read here. Also, if you're into photography, then make sure you capture the cheeky monkeys and dinosaur look-alike monitor lizards that pay Bamboo Hill a visit every so often. They're an awesome Kodak moment in the making. Lastly, in Bamboo Hill, rooms are generally fully booked quite far ahead, so best book early.

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