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Avis: Selamat datang ke, bienvenue à Tunamaya Resort & Spa, situé sur la magnifique Pulau Tioman, connue dans le reste du monde sous le nom d'Île Tioman
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Avis Tunamaya Resort & Spa

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Tunamaya Resort & Spa

Tunamaya Resort & Spa

To say that Tunamaya Resort is a private retreat that's value for money would be an understatement.

The resort has a distinct feel of a secluded paradise, yet won't necessarily break the bank.

The tastefully designed and quality-constructed chalets look like they've been positioned with the beautiful natural terrain in mind; each unit being almost one with either the verdant jungle on one side or the beautiful beach-scape on the other.

Whichever takes your fancy, the vista is always stunning.

Book your Tunamaya Resort here
Book your Tunamaya Resort here

The grounds are immaculately maintained and the reception/restaurant/bar area is breezy and cool.

Tunamaya Resort is not just a retreat for lounging by the pool, because you can snorkel, scubadive, go trekking, even hike across the jungle to the next village.

That said, if you're satisfied with just a swimming pool, then you're in luck, because the pool here is an infinity pool and a pretty one at that.

Tunamaya Resort is quite a recent addition to Tioman and it's located on the blissfully tranquil south coast, great if you want to relish a few days away from the noisy city.

Réservez vos billets de ferry pour Tioman

  De Mersing - Feb 2025:
Mersing 2025
Planning du mois précédent

De Mersing, Mar - Apr
De Tanjung Gemok: N.A.,
[Tanjung Gemok = Teluk Gading]

Vas-tu à Mukut ou Juara? Cliquez ici.

Pro Tip: Vous ne savez pas quelle jetée choisir lors de la réservation de votre ferry? Pas de problème, parce que le ferry généralement, sauf exceptions, à toutes les jetées principales de la côte ouest.

Prendre le ferry Tanjung Gemok? Clique ici / ici

But keep in mind that its remoteness means there are neither little shops nearby to pop round for some groceries, nor family-run eateries for a simple meal.

Mind you, even though our stay was short and we didn't get to partake of the full range of dishes offered, cuisine-wise we had no complaints whatsoever. Quite the contrary. In fact, we've decided to return for a longer stay later this year.


Tunamaya Resort is a keeper, that much is sure. Tunamaya's offerings include beautiful surroundings, tastefully designed rooms, superb service, exciting activities, a divine spa, simply scrumptious dishes and, best of all, Tunamaya Resort is priced attractively.

Interestingly, the resort is great for couples out for a romantic stay, as well as for families with kids, because there's plenty of fun to be had for the little ones.

Tip: If you appreciate the soothing serenades of cicadas and rustling trees, then choose a jungle villa. You'll wake up to the sound of nature's music - simply fantastic

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