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Mokhtar's Place

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Mokhtar's Place

Mokhtar's Place

Mokhtar's Place used be called Seri Bungur Beach. Although the name has changed, staying at Mokhtar's Place is like being in Tioman of yesteryear. And I mean that in the good sense. We'd booked Mokhtar's Place for 2 nights, but ended up extending another 2 nights. And actually, we would have extended again, but, alas, we were out of leave days.

Book your Mokhtar's Place room now
Book your Mokhtar's Place room now

Mokhtar's Place is located at ABC Village, which, by the way, is also known Ayer Batang Village, or Kampong Ayer Batang, which in the Malay language means "Stick Water Village". I asked around why "Stick Water", but couldn't find anyone who knew the origins of this.

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[Tanjung Gemok = Teluk Gading]

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Anyways, I digress...

When you stay at Mokhtar's Place, you get what you pay for. Mokhtar's Place is quite a basic place, but it's got everything you need if all you want is a place to lay your hat and a good night's sleep.

Bienvenue à Mokhtar's Place
Bienvenue à Mokhtar's Place

On the whole, Mokhtar's Place's price/quality ratio is just fine and you'll find a good deal of backpackers and budget travelers here for this very reason. I.e. Mokhtar's Place is cheap and good enough.

We loved the mellow island vibe of ABC. The pace is nice and languid, which is just as well, because it's a hot and sunny little place this Tioman Island. Still, this is what we're here for, as well as for the beach activities, such as snorkeling and perhaps scuba diving.

Our room was a sea-facing Family Room with a Queen size bed, as well as 2 single beds. The beds were awesome; we slept like a rock in them. The room was quite generously sized and, crucially, it was clean. This also applied to the bathroom by the way, which was attached.

We also had a hot-water kettle and some mugs, so we could enjoy a freshly brewed cuppa every now and again, which was nice. We also loved the way our room was almost on the beach. It really gave us that special beachy feel.

Altogether, we were happy with the room and its price, RM 50 per night. I heard that Mokhtar's Place may charge RM 60, subject to the time of year. But I reckon even RM 60 is fair value. For that price, you can't really expect air-con, but the fan in the room and the sea-breeze both were more than enough to keep the room at a comfortable temperature.

Incidentally, there are cheaper bungalows available as well at Mokhtar's Place, but these are a bit further away from the beach. In fact, they're located under some shade-dappled trees, for those who prefer more of a gardeny feel I suppose.

Since you're on a paradise island, I recommend going on a guided snorkeling trip. Ask them to take you to Coral Island - it's stunning. We also went on a trekking outing through the adjacent jungle and visited the local Asah waterfall, which was lovely, cool and refreshing. I really recommend going on these excursions, not only because they break up your lazy days a bit, but also because give you a much better picture of Tioman Island.

Tip: FYI, Mokhtar's Place offers wi-fi, but they charge MR 10 per hour and it's not always stable. Best not try to upload raw video. Mokhtar's Place is a short walk away from the next village, Tekek, which offers bicycles for rent and some great eateries. Do try it out. Mokhtar's Place is run by locals, so rooms are at a premium. That means that booking ahead is recommended. One more thing, Lonely Planet has awarded Mokhtar's Place as one of Tioman's "recommended accommodations". I think that's saying something.

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