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Driving to Mersing Harbour Centre

Home > Transport > Driving to Mersing Harbour Centre

Getting to Mersing Harbour Centre

Driving to Mersing Harbour Centre

Driving to Mersing Harbour Centre? Use the following Google Map directions:

From SingaporeOpens in new window
From Kuala LumpurOpens in new window
From KuantanOpens in new window
From MalaccaOpens in new window

Taking the Bus to Mersing

Going to Mersing by bus? Several bus companies go from Singapore direct to Mersing.
You can buy your bus tickets by visiting one of the bus company offices, or by booking online using this direct bus ticket booking form.

NOTE: Click the "From" field if you want to change your departure point.

If you're planning to drive to Mersing Harbour Centre, you can input the following coordinates into Google MapsOpens in new window or your GPS unit: 2.433676300 and 103.839457200.

Click here for directions on how to get to the ferry terminal from Mersing Harbour Centre.

Pro Tip: Larkin Bus Terminal. Offers excellent express bus connections with Singapore and more than 8000 routes into the rest of Malaysia.


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